
Current PhD students:

Diem Nguyen, Project: Exploring the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on cereal grain nutrition.

Wen Yan, Project: Assessing the impact of mycorrhizal fungi on legume crop nutritional quality.

Chrysanthea Budiman, Project: Enhancing phosphorus use efficiency in macadamia production using beneficial soil microbes.

Rucha Patil (based at the University of Melbourne), Project: Manipulation of plant-derived phytonutrients and antinutrients in bread to improve iron bioavailability.

Olivia Brunton (based at CSIRO Canberra and Charles Sturt University), Project: The potential benefits of dual placement phosphorus fertiliser application to south-eastern Australian crop species.

Diem, Stephanie, Olivia and Rucha with Adelaide CBD in the background.

Current Honours students:

Sebastian Smith, Project: The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on faba bean yield and nutrition.

Research assistant:

Ali Gill, Project: Various projects connected to all three themes of our lab’s research.

Completed PhD students:

2021: Matthias Salomon, Project: The role of mycorrhizas in urban agriculture systems.

2021: Cuc Tran, Project: The impact of arbuscular mycorrhizas on nitrogen and phosphorus cycling and leaching in soil.

2021: Hue Ngo, Project: Optimising phosphate supply to plant by adding mixture of organic and inorganic P sources, and the effect on mycorrhizal colonisation.

2020: Binh Tran, Project: The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizas on the growth and nutrition of important food crops.

Binh (left) and Matthias (right) harvesting plants in the lab
Field shot
Hue, Matthias and Cuc collecting soil in regional South Australia